Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

How to Make a Good Businnes

Do business with an honest way. Because with the honesty in doing business flourished. not everyone

Do not do business if the business will do harm.

Seek to satisfy needs and desires of humans in general are not otherwise satisfy their own needs and desires.

Do business not only for the money but also to provide benefits to families, others and the general community.

If given the advantage to attempt to give alms to the poor or those who need help. The task is to ask for alms beggar, our job is to become a philanthropist.

Remember to help others will provide benefits for us. The point is not a loss but give a quotation which we will benefit in future.

Start doing business with a good intention is not to take the rights of others.

Appreciate your business partners like you want to be appreciated other people.

Smile ... it will give you this little bit keceriaaan ... and certainly helps you look friendly.

Try to not give loans or debt. The best of the income is income that can be saved.

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